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Below Links Courtesy of http://www.kl-france.com
Informations générales sur le ski de vitesse : Site officiel de la Fédération Suisse de Ski de Vitesse (FSSV). Site américain sur le ski de vitesse (administré par Brian Taylor).
Sites de skieurs de vitesses: Philippe Goitschel, recordman du Monde, quadruple vainqueur de la Coupe du Monde. www.quickchick.com / www.speedski.us
Tracie Sachs, skieuse de vitesse americaine.. Martin Lachaud, 3ème du Mondial 2001 et du Championnat de France 2001. Stéphane Aubonnet, recordman du Monde, catégorie Production. Serge Perroud, Champion de France 2000, vice champion du Monde 2000. Ross Anderson, skieur américain, 2ème du mondial 2001 des Arcs. John Hembel, skieur américain d'Aspen, Colorado.
Dutch Speedski Team, Merijn Vunderink
Cedric Masse Stations, compétitions, pistes: Club des sports des Arcs, stade permanent de ski de vitesse, piste du dernier record du Monde. Macker’s Velocity Challenge Speed Skiing, 28 février au 2 mars 2003, Sun Peaks, Canada.
http://www.skitigneslesbrevieres.co.uk - Ski chalet Tignes, Val d’Isère | Snowboarding Tignes, Val d’Isère. Ski Tignes les Brevieres is an independent operator of quality ski chalets in Tignes and Val d’Isère run by ski and snowboard enthusiasts who offer an unrivalled flexibility and personal attention. Vancouver Washington Dentist - Dr. Bowyer - Cosmetic Family Dental |
Swiss-kl.ch | new site |
Sports-LesArcs.com | new site |
SportsEvents.ch | cool site |
U.S. Extreme Skiing Archive | Repository for information on Extreme Skiing |
GetWild | AltaVista's extreme sport site |
Ski Central | Awesome Index - more links than you can shake a ski pole at |
Sport-SC | Elite mountain sports people database |
Snow Link | A must see ski page |
Great Sports | World's greatest sports links |
Gorp's Links | Well organized regional index of sites |
Go Ski | Great resort search engine, volumes of info |
Snow Net | Excellent source for all ski related info |
Outdoor Skiing | Nicely done links to major world-wide ski web pages w/descriptions |
Ski France | A search engine allows you to look through French resorts |
Ski Gate | Links to resorts, equipment, gadgets and more |
The PASS | Alpental, Snoqualmie, Ski Acres, Hyak - largest night skiing area in the world |
SnoWeb | From Lake Tahoe, in the Sierra's - major information service |
Snowmass | Currently building a speed ski track |
Swix Cera F | Fluorocarbon wax |
New Zealand Ski Industry | List of Ski & Boarding Hills |
Cascade Ski Report | If you ski the Cascades, visit here |
Tahoe Skier | For both skiers and boarders |
Whistler | This site rules - I love Whistler |
Swiss Tourism Office | If you are traveling to Switzerland, hit here first |
Ski Utah | If you ski Utah, you must see studly Stein Eriksen's Lodge |
Ski Maps | WOW! the most comprehensive collection of ski maps on the net |
Mt. Hood Academy | A school for ski racers |
Mt. Hood Meadows Race Team | USSA Sanctioned Ski Racing, Mt. Hood Meadows, Oregon |
Aspen & Snowmass | Have you experienced bumps in Aspen or the "Burn" at Snowmass? |
PNSA | Pacific Northwest Ski Association |
Ski Patrol | Self explanatory |
Sports Network | Major sports index |
Team Alpental Snoqualmie | Northwest USSA ski racing programs for juniors and adults |
U.S. Ski Team | The official site |
Willamette Pass | Oregon, site of many U.S. Speed Ski races |
Extreme Ski Championships | Visit one of the World's best helicopter skiing |
Swany America | Speed ski glove manufacturer |
New England Ski Museum | collecting, preserving, exhibiting ski history for research, education and entertainment. |
Online Ski School | Online ski and snowboard instruction |
France Ski de Vitesse
Federation Internationale de Ski (FIS)
British Speed Ski Team
Fédération Suisse de Ski de
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