Speed Ski World Record Holder - 248.105 km/h (154
on May 2, 1999 by Harry Egger
(Austrian) at Les ARCS, France ... harry@harryegger.com
last Winter the fastest sportsman on earth, who reaches his speed
without external power, is called Harry Egger. He is 33 years old
and comes from Lienz in East Tyrol, Austria.
The Austrian stepped into a new dimension when he reached the speed of 248,105 km/h at the World Championships for speed skiers in Les Arcs in the French Alps. He surpassed the Frenchman Philippe Billy's record of 243,9 from 1996 clearly. "I knew already in the morning that the World record would fall today" Egger remembers, who even if he had some difficulties during his break-neck ride always came back into the ideal position. "You have to fight every inch, you can never slow down and a fall would be extremely dangerous due to burns and tissue shock!" Having passed the finish line the strain was followed by a break down. The World Champion had to throw up and could hardly keep on his feet. "Body and soul couldn't possibly bear more" the 1.95-metre-tall and 105-kilogram-heavy Tyrolian summed up. From now on his colleagues respectfully call him "le grand patron". Residence:
Lienz, Austria |
Speed Ski World Record Holder - 248.105 km/h (154
by Harry Egger
at Les ARCS, France
Harry Egger at Vars race track in France
photos by Stefan Aufschnaiter
of Red Bull
speed ski races sponsored by Red Bull
1999 Les ARCS Speed Ski Race Results
France Ski de Vitesse
Federation Internationale de Ski (FIS)
British Speed Ski Team
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